Sunday, December 6, 2015

Final Post

The guest speaker that I found most interesting and informative was Peter Mueser.  His presentation on economics was helpful in understanding globalization a bit further.  It was interesting to hear about the different economies throughout the world and how, in many ways, our economies link us all together.  As a business student, this speaker was easy to relate to because I feel like many of my classes tie lessons to different parts of economics as well.  Mr. Mueser took my thinking of globalization to a different level.
Chart showing the different types of economies throughout the world today.

During my time of doing research on Thailand I gained so much knowledge of the country and it’s citizen’s way of life.  It was so interesting to learn about a place so different from the United States but in many ways the two can relate.  I gained insight on many of the problems that Thailand is facing but continues to grow stronger and overcome many of these problems as a country.

An example of this is Thailand’s environmental issues.  It seems like very quickly the country started running into the effects of environmental damages as they grew industrially.  But now that they’ve realized the damage that is and was being caused the country as a whole has started being more careful and attempting cleaning up the mess that was made before. 

I also gained a lot of insight about Thailand when writing the paper over an NGO.  The NGO I chose was the Shan Women’s Active Network,  I chose this NGO after we talked about sex trafficking in class and I wanted to learn more about the problems Thailand faces with this.  This NGO was very inspiring because they help woman in Thailand do many things they wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to do.  Offering internships and classes for women in Thailand helps lower the number of women who end up in sex trafficking.
Girls learning in a course provided by SWAN.

It has been so interesting to learn more about the growth of the people in Thailand.  I really enjoyed learning more about the woman’s groups because in so many countries women are held to a different standard.  NGOs like SWAN are so inspiring.  Overall, I’ve really enjoyed learning more about Thailand.

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