The reason there is so much sex trafficking is because people are desperately trying to get out of North Korea. They are desperately trying to get out because of the conditions there and major lack of food. The way to end sex trafficking is to end the cause and effect relationship between escaping hunger and between being sold into sex slavery. Something that Sarah Mendelson talks about in Born Free as a Sustainable Development Goals says this “Promote peaceful and
inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for
all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” as well as “Promote sustained,
inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all." To ensure that sex trafficking stops, in North Korea specifically, then the hunger issue needs to be addressed. In order to have a sustainable economy and environment that ensures decent work for all women should not have to choose between selling their bodies and eating a meal.
Here is a story of another woman who was forced into sex slavery after escaping North Korea:
Escape from North Korea: 'I was sold into slavery and forced to have an abortion'
Ji Hiyunah escaped from North Korea and was sold into sex slavery. She was captured and deported back to North Korea twice. After becoming pregnant with a Chinese mans baby from her sex slavery, she was forced to have an abortion in a prison camp without anaesthetic. She said that she would rather go back to China where she would not have to eat frogs and insects to survive. After 9 years of sex slavery and being deported back to North Korea she finally made it to safety in South Korea.
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